Enhancing Youth-Friendly HIV/AIDS Services and Reducing Stigma in Tanzania

We had the opportunity to present TanzMED to HIV/AIDS stakeholders through the Sitetereki platform, conducted by Johns Hopkins Tanzania. We delved into how TanzMED as healthcare Digital platform can assist youth in Tanzania in navigating the challenges of making HIV services youth-friendly, reducing stigma, and improving privacy.

We showcased our AI model, AminaMD, and our HIV risk assessment tool, which enables youth to conduct self-assessments to measure their risk of contracting HIV and connect them to relevant services. TanzMED is a healthcare super app with an annual reach of over 4.38 million, many of whom are youth aged 18-24.

Integrating HIV/AIDS services into the platform will not only reduce stigma but also increase the reach of these services to more youth, particularly males, who are a hard-to-reach segment in Tanzania.

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